Well fence is down, was a surprise! Took a picture of the pendant lights in the kitchen. I'm pretty happy with them! Looking good! 2 weeks to go! It's count down time! Tiles are next.
Congrats Andrea. Kitchen looks great. How much All worth charged you for these. Did you get LEDs from All worth as well? Also is this the standard panellift Garage door or you selected this design
Thanks gaggy :) The garage wasn't standard we changed it to single panel for about 1200. The lights well we were lucky because we had my hubby's brother in law come and do our electrical work. It didn't go through allworth. The prices were abit steep with them. Unfortunately allworth will not let you deal with third party electrical unless you are an owner builder. So we were very lucky and we thank allworth for doing what they did as a once off. But our electrical still wasn't cheap hehhe it costed us around about 10,000. But we added it with our bank loan which made it easier. We had used slimline switches, led down lights, spot lights, bathroom exhaust fan lights, fan lights in all bedrooms and alfresco, TV data, pay tv provision, antenna provision, sensor light in pantry, fluorescent lights in garage all the bells and whistles hehe.
Congrats Andrea. Kitchen looks great. How much All worth charged you for these.
ReplyDeleteDid you get LEDs from All worth as well?
Also is this the standard panellift Garage door or you selected this design
Thanks gaggy :)
DeleteThe garage wasn't standard we changed it to single panel for about 1200. The lights well we were lucky because we had my hubby's brother in law come and do our electrical work. It didn't go through allworth. The prices were abit steep with them. Unfortunately allworth will not let you deal with third party electrical unless you are an owner builder. So we were very lucky and we thank allworth for doing what they did as a once off. But our electrical still wasn't cheap hehhe it costed us around about 10,000. But we added it with our bank loan which made it easier. We had used slimline switches, led down lights, spot lights, bathroom exhaust fan lights, fan lights in all bedrooms and alfresco, TV data, pay tv provision, antenna provision, sensor light in pantry, fluorescent lights in garage all the bells and whistles hehe.